Wednesday, February 11, 2009

6 Months. Jà era.

So there we go. 6 months of my extremely valuable time has been spent here in the dirty city of São Paulo and it has caused me to reflect on what I have learned and what I have thought of my experience here. I was talking to my way good friend Elder Bigelow about the time we have spent here and what he thinks about it. He has had a tough time here but said something to me that I really agree with. He said "Parsons, I think if by the end of my mission I can say, as I am saying now, that I didn`t regret the time I spent on the mission then I will be happy." I think that sums it up pretty well.

I`ll be honest, people say that it`s the "Best Two Years" which is great but I am not going to say it has been the best 6 months of my life. I will say that I think I have grown more in this 6 months in almost every way possible (not physically you perverts) than I have in any other 6 months of my life, and the time I have spent here I definitely do not regret. But yeah, there you go. I hear the first 6 and the last 6 are the looks like I am headed into the clearing!

But really, as this week showed I am already there. For me this week was awesome, mainly because of our two investigator brothers Rosinaldo and Josinaldo. We usually stop by there every night and it always brings a good end to a hot and often stressfull day. Last night I had a division in my area with the DL Elder Hooper who is way cool, and he did their Baptismal interviews and both of them passed. They are both way excited to get baptized this Saturday, but I think I might be just a little bit more excited.

In this short time we have become such good friends it`s crazy...and cool. And with the language barrier gradually diminishing it is even easier to connect with them. I`ll send photos of the baptism next week, along with the photos from the baptism we had last week.

We baptized marcello, that little boy that I talked about last week. It was cool because actually his grandpa got to baptize him and both of them were way happy afterwards. So yeah, i`ll send pics next week.

Oh and just to let you know we have transfers next week so my email might come pretty late next Wednesday depending on if I get transferred or not. I don`t like saying it but I really want to get transferred. We have Rosinaldo and Josinaldo`s baptisms coming up which is sweet...but to tell you the truth I am growing sick of this area. I know the area like the back of my hand and it still is a little weird to be right next to the CTM. It`s like it`s my babysitter or something. Let me out of the playpen.

How are things going back there in Obamaville? I still feel way out of the loop and it would be awesome if we could have a collaborate effort on the home front to bring me back in. Who is with me!!?? I heard that he is going to reopen Cuba or something like that?

Love you all...Hugh Grant for President!

-Elder Parsons

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