Wednesday, September 16, 2009

11 months to go!

Greetings everyone! Glad to hear that all is good in your part of the world.

So our 2 baptisms this week went fine. The past month and a half has been the period of my mission that I have baptized the most which is way cool...however my companion and I have realized that we literally have "thrown" everything that we had in the we are left with very little haha.

This week, and I am sure the next couple, will be completely dedicated to finding new, strong investigators to ensure even more baptisms for the end of this transfer.

I am glad to hear that BYU football took a small "number 2" on Tulane last Saturday. Looks like it could be their best year in a long time. Go team go! Win my favorite sports team, win!


-Elder Brent Parsons

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