Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Conference Weekend

What up?!

Conference was sweet eh? I never really understood or valued conference before the mission, however I have learned better here on the mission. Watching conference as a missionary is COMPLETELY different than it is as a normal member. As a missionary you watch conference for yourself obviously but you also watch it thinking and seeking inspiration on how to better help your investigators. I dunno, it’s way different and way better.

So on Saturday we stayed in my area to watch the 2 first sessions which were way good but I had to watch them in Portuguese which dulls them a little bit. Not that I don’t understand what they are saying…it’s just I am used to their voices and listening to a translator just doesn’t quite cut it. So Saturday night we took a bus to the Stake Center in Sorocaba and watched the Priesthood Session with all the other Elders from our Zone in blessed English then 6 of us slept at our ZL’s house and watched the 2 next sessions on Sunday together again and when the got over it was already way late so we just stayed there another night because we had District Meeting the next morning anyway.

Yeah, so as I said, Conference was awesome I thought. I am so excited to read all the talks again. I have to be honest though…Elder Holland’s talk about the Book of Mormon was definitely my favorite. There were 4 of us Americans watching in our own little room and during the talk I don’t think one of us even blinked while staring at the television. It was awesome. I think I cried…at 3 separate times…during his talk. Big boys know how to cry! I dunno, it just was so awesome to hear because we go out every single day trying to show people that the BoM is true and giving our heart and souls to it, only to be rejected time and time again…but then to have an Apostle give such a strong testimony about it gave us a bit of an energy boost you know?

There were tons of other talks that I loved too but I won’t talk about them. Besides I am tired like crazy because we just went to Sorocaba and played basketball for like 5 hours straight and I think I might fall apart. It has been quite a while since I have ran for any extended period of time and let’s just say my red workout “raccoon eyes” were in full swing and the body odor was pungent. I now have a splintering headache and body aches that would put down a horse. However, it was way fun and was probably almost worth it

Farewell! A great week for everyone!

-Elder Parsons

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