Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week Six


I attached some pictures to this email and I hope they work. Sadly, we cannot take our cameras out of the CTM while we are here so the only pictures there are are of my district, the view from my window which is to be coveted by everyone at home, and random pics of the CTM. Not much but you might want to see the watered-down Alcatraz for yourself.

Thank you for the emails everyone, I appreciate. I loved the football update Grandpa and Deb I really appreciated it. I will definitely have to get that jersey for you when I get home, I am sorry about that Deb :).

Well, yet another CTM week down. The week was mostly fine, the language is still rough but I can usually understand the gist of whatever anyone says to me...speaking it is a different story though. Our district is getting really close and we have a lot of fun together...possibly too much fun because both of our instructors have talked to us about calming down and to actually start learning or we will never be able understand Portuguese...it's hard to calm down when you have 12 elders together in a tiny classroom though. I love the elders in my district though, we are constantly laughing with each other and trying to forget we are only 1/24 of the way through our missions...

Yesterday was the beginning of our 6th week here, thus we had the privilege to go to the São Paulo temple today not the one in Campinas. I loved the Campinas temple but the 1 and 1/2 hour drive each way was beginning to wear on me and take too much of my precious p-day time. So we went to the São Paulo Temple today (which was amazing, the architecture and stain-glass was awesome) and got back and hour and a half earlier than normal, whoopie!

This week was also a little sad because our AP Elder Bradberry was sent home. He had some things that he needed to take care of that he didn't before he got here and he was having a tough time with homesicknesses. He was awesome and I miss him. We are all proud of him for having the balls to talk to someone about his issues and we are all glad he did the right thing. He will be missed though.

On other news, one kid in my district finally decided to write you Alysha so be expecting a letter. One night my district made me go through everyone in the district and tell them who I would let date you...only 2 of the 11 made the cut and he was one of them. His name is Elder Fabian and he is from Colorado...so good luck with that. I am sure he would love a quick response sweet-cheeks.

This week we get to go proselyting again and we are all really excited. Last time we were all way too afraid to do a lot in the beginning and only got the hang of it near the end, so this time I think it is going to be a lot more fun and productive. Elder Blackham and I are going to try to be a lot more bold in our approaches...I'll let you know how it works out.

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys something. I was laying in my bed the other night not able to sleep and was just thinking of what I am going to do after my mission. I was sitting there and then all the sudden it hit me that I need to get a history degree and take it to law school. It was weird because it all the sudden just felt like that was the only thing that I could do with my life...crazy. Anyway, just thought I would let everyone that told me that I wouldn't figure out what to do with my life while on my mission "Screw you!" 3 weeks in and I proved you wrong! Just kidding, I probably wouldn't be so aggressive about it but I would certainly let them know they were wrong but in a politer manner.

Well I will go attach the photos now. Sorry this letter is short and boring, I didn't have a lot of time to write this and I need time to do the photos...and I feel my deep humor wells being drilled for their last juice. I guess I'll just have to go open the Alaskan wells for drilling, who knows what's in there though. Ok...enough stupid analogies that really don't work. Love you all, miss you all, I can't wait to see you guys again...haha. I know this gospel is true and that I am doing the right thing by being out here. Please pray for me because I need it. Farewell!

Love you all,

-Elder Brent Parsons

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