Wednesday, June 17, 2009

No transfer

Well, my companion and I went to transfers today. However, neither of us were transferred.

Explanation: we live in our house with another set of missionaries. However, president "closed" there area and sent another 2 here to replace them. So we went to transfers to pick up the 2 in order to show them how to get there area...I also needed to pick up a pair of shoes that I was badly needing (both sets of shoes are completely ripped in half at the bottom). Transfers went pretty crazy with all the changes that happened in the mission...none of which you guys would understand neither care about.

So anyway, turns out that Elder Martinatto and Elder Cruz came here to live with us. Yes, the same Elder Martinatto who I lived with my first 3 transfers and who was my first ZL on the mission. I love the kid. Both he and Elder Cruz are going to leave in 2 weeks though, which means that Ouro Fino (their area) will be without missionaries. Long story short, here in 2 weeks my companion and I will more than double the size of our area and will have to take care of the 2 wards here. Pretty crazy.

Sidenote: I am now my first Zone Leader on the mission's District Leader. Haha. Never saw that one coming.

So yes, this means that I am going to spend 3 transfers (4 and half months) with my companion Elder Affonso. And yes, that IS a very long time. I have already done 3 months with him...6 more weeks on the way! I don't know if I want know. That's how it is. Go team go!

They are working on our house right now and so they must have hit one of our water pipes because our toilets and our sinks are now without water. Fortunately we can still take a shower. And unfortunately...Elder Affonso found out about the toilet not working AFTER use. I provided my father a photo of it...if he chooses to put it on the blog is his choice...

We baptized Galdir this week! It is a long story but the Bishop ended up baptizing her. I don't think I ever said to you guys but she has an EXTREME fear of water.'s unbelievable. She went into the font trembling out of control (Affonso and I were the witnesses). Bishop took her and tried to baptize her...but she ended up just screaming on the way down and jumping out of the water. Bishop tried again...but she BARELY didn't get covered all the way. Then she started crying, but good ol' Bishop Juca consoled her and they did it again. The water BARELY covered her head, but covered it did. It was pretty hilarious and a successful baptism. What faith the little woman has.

Until next week my friends! Keep them emails a comin'!

-Elder Brent Parsons

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