Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Amish are coming the Amish are coming!

It's really happening too. So I am on division here in a little town of 40,000 outside of Sorocaba called Boituva and have been for the past 3 days (companionship problem...but not with me and my comp don't worry). Anyway, I am with an American named Elder Call and we were walking down the street of the little town and saw the most typical little Amish family standing on the corner, and yes, they looked as confused American Amish family in the middle of nowhere with people speaking a language they don't understand.

So anyway...Elder Call said very loudly "And that's our local polygamist family" as we walked by them...believing that they were just a strange Brazilian family. But anyway, long story short Elder Call and I went to have lunch (we decided to get Chinese Food...first time in 11 months! It was good) and as we were eating who shows up! Our little polygamist friends. Well, we noticed that they were all speaking English...and ended up talking to them. They are here in the little town of Boituva to start up a church and a bible distribution center for the Mount Zion Distribution Center (talk about a "Mormon" name) and they don't speak Portuguese yet haha.

It was just an extremely random experience: 2 Mormon Missionaries who speak Portuguese as a second language, 3 Amish families from Kentucky and California who don't speak Portuguese, ordering Chinese food from a Chinese woman that also doesn't speak much Portuguese, in the middle of a small town called Boituva in the center of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. It was pretty sweet though and Elder Call and I just laughed about it afterward.

So Friday was my birthday but it was actually just a pretty normal day until the end of the night. We went to teach a girl named Julianna who is 17 and lives in our newly acquired area of Ouro Fino. She's friends with a lot of the youth from the Ouro Fino ward. Anyway, so we went there and she said "hey Jessica (youth from ouro fino) has a church movie that she wants to watch with us, let's go over there." So we went. As we opened the door to their house we heard the great "SURPRISE!" and we saw the entire youth body from Ouro Fino and some other members there.

They had thrown us a surprise party...with a Barbie theme haha. It was ADORABLE. So Elder Affonso's birthday was last Tuesday so it was for both of us. They had made this barbie cake for us and when Elder Affonso and I went to blow out the candle Affonso shoved my head into the cake haha. So then...long story short, it started a very large cake war that left my shirt, tie, pants, and nametag barely recognizable as belonging to a missionary haha. It was awesome though. Everyone there and the house too were completely covered in cake and icing. I took a bunch of pictures but I think some cake got into the camera or something and it messed up my memory card (some of the pictures worked, but some just turned black) but Elder Affonso's cousin is a professional photographer and knows how to fix it so we sent the card to Rio de Janeiro for him to fix it. It should get back next week and I will send the hilarious pics and videos then.

Welp, the week was pretty normal otherwise. Next transfer is in two weeks so these should be my last days with Elder Affonso. There is no way we will stay together for 4 transfers. I am excited and anxious to see what happens at the transfer because really anything could happen. Anyway, thanks for the sweet emails everyone, talk to yall later!

-Elder Brent Parsons


Laura H said...

Glad you were able to have a good bday Brent. I thought of you on Friday. We went and saw Harry Potter as a family for you! :)

Unknown said...

I AM from Boituva, Brasil, a was today on ganchinho restaurant and there was a famili who looks like amish people, theyspeak english and some people become realy curious about them.

Unknown said...

I AM from Boituva, Brasil, a was today on ganchinho restaurant and there was a famili who looks like amish people, theyspeak english and some people become realy curious about them.